Philosopher/Philanthropist/ Lover/Poet/Song Writer/Mentor

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Sunday 17 April 2011

What Would Neil Tennant Do? - Gaddafi.

I don't sympathise with Gaddafi, but I wonder what I would do in his situation.

When faced with difficult situations, I ask myself: "What would Neil Tennant do?"

Neil Tennant is a genius, and his specialty is making joyfully depressing music. Case in point, Electronic - Disappointed, or Pet Shop Boys - It's a sin for example. What other artist can make you sing happily along about being disillusioned, ashamed, and so on, when you are perfectly happy?

In this case,  as it's more complex than my decision whether or not to buy a snickers, the WWNTD? formula doesn't work perfectly.

As Gaddafi, faced with two options; suicide or exile, I'd probably opt to write an autobiography.

This is because:

a) If choosing death, I'd at least want my version of events to be considered in history, and hopefully protect my family after I'm gone.
b) If choosing exile, I'd hope that sympathisers may appreciate my lies and help me regain some sort of power.

In my bunker, a little bit stressed out and shafted for time, I'd sum up my tyrant life (missing out about 40 years of history) chronologically on a page using Neil Tennant songs:

My rise to power:

Pet Shop Boys - Did you see me coming? (the coup d'etat of 1969)
Electronic - Getting away with it (Viewed as suitably anti-Marxist by the US, the UK's assassination plan is cancelled)
Pet Shop Boys - Being boring (The 42 years of undisturbed rule)

Since 21st Feb 2011:

Pet Shop Boys - Domino Dancing (Popular uprising sweeping the Arab world, creating a "domino" effect)
Pet Shop Boys - What have I done to deserve this? (assets frozen)
Electronic - Disappointed (no-fly zone imposed. Even Berlusconi says he can't make it to the next orgy)

Reflective of my dirty past:

Pet Shop Boys - It's a sin
Pet Shop Boys - I wouldn't normally do this kind of thing
Pet Shop Boys - Yesterday when I was mad

Running out of money, munitions and ideas:

Pet Shop Boys - Send me an angel
Pet Shop Boys - Go West
Pet Shop Boys - It's alright

And depending on whether I'm exiled or not:

Pet Shop Boys - One night in Bangkok
Pet Shop Boys - Home and dry
